@4 |Custom Spacing:| provides adjustment to the space between text lines for |text| objects. |Spacing Parameter:| allows specification of additional spacing for |Fixed| or |Vary| modes. The value is measured in |points|; 1 point is 1/72 of one inch. (Dimmed unless |Fixed| or |Vary| is set). #15 #15 |Preview: | shows sample text with font sizes. |Double:| spacing is 200% of the largest line height of any character on each line. |1 1/2:| spacing is 150% of the largest line height of any character on each line. |Single:| provides standard line spacing. The spacing uses the largest line height of any character on each line. |Vary:| The line height is equal to the line height of the largest character in each line, plus a fixed amount. |Fixed:| Set the same line height for all lines. Line height is equal to the largest line height of |any| character anywhere in the text, plus a fixed amount. #15 * 5 #15 * @2 @5